In this section, we will let you know how to migrate MySql table to Cassandra table.
1. Create database in MySql.
1. Create database in MySql.
create database mysql_to_cassandra ;
2. Create table in MySql.
CREATE TABLE `history` ( `id` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `city` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `province` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `country` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `zipCode` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `hasAirCondition` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `hasGarden` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `hasPool` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `isCloseToBeach` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `dailyPrice` float DEFAULT NULL, `currency` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `roomsNumber` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `created_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL ) ;
3. Insert one record in the table history;
insert into history( id , city , province , country , zipCode , type , hasAirCondition , hasGarden , hasPool , isCloseToBeach , dailyPrice , currency , roomsNumber , created_at) values ("zZC8U", "Mumbai", "province2", "india", "122001M", "studio", true, false, true, true, 14.92, "INR", 231, "2016-06-08 00:23:54" );
4. Take backup in csv in MySql console as given below.
select id, city, country, created_at, currency, dailyPrice, hasaircondition, hasgarden, isclosetobeach, province, type, zipcode from history INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/cql_cass.csv' FIELDS ENCLOSED BY '"' TERMINATED BY ',' ESCAPED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' ;
5. Now you have backup of mysql table, and then we will create KEYSPACE(acronym of database) & table in Cassandra and import to this table.
6. Login to cqlsh console and create KeySpace as given below.
CREATE KEYSPACE from_mysql WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true;
7. Create table in this keyspace/
use from_mysql ;
CREATE TABLE mysql_table_data (id text PRIMARY KEY, city_name text, country text, created_at timestamp, currency text, dailyprice float, hasaircondition boolean, hasgarden boolean, haspool boolean, isclosetobeach boolean, province text, roomsnumber int, type text, zipcode text) ;
8. Inserting data from the backup, we have created from MySql.
copy mysql_table_data (id, city, country, created_at, currency, dailyPrice, hasaircondition, hasgarden, isclosetobeach, province, type, zipcode ) from '/tmp/cql_cass.csv' ;
9, You can verify the data using the command given below.
select * from mysql_table_data ;
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