Things to do when you want to commit suicide!

We all in our lifespan sometime had a thinking to give up our life just because we do not want certain things to happen in our life. For example, when we are jobless for more than a year, cheated by lover/wife/husband, lonely, lost motive in our life, got bad marks or failed in exams etc.

The question is why this feeling generated in our mind? Do we really want to quit our life? Don't we ever thought that life is beautiful? or We had dreams to achieve something?

Answer is we thought that sometime!

Just because we are frustrated with our current or past situation we want to end it now. So if we stop believing that nothing 'll change than our life will change. 

If you reading this means you are frustrated with life or looking for knowledge about life. This is a good sign for your life. Yes, it is !

It means you know your present situation and looking for solutions.

So without making more talks just do following things when you thought about committing suicide:
1. Stop yourself for 15 mins & drink a lot of water. Try to say lets have life for 15 mins more as positive.
2. Say life is beautiful and I am strong to face bad and reach to good.
3. See yourself in a mirror and say I am born to succeed. I have my own fair image!
4. Say everything that  happens to me will make me more strong & intelligent to handle bad things.
5. Now just look around yourself and see you have a lot of things that you can use to make your living. Imagine about starving people at road having no access to internet, money, food. Go out try to help them. 
6. Write your like, dislikes, strength & weakness in a paper & paste it in your dairy. Try to remove you weakness and erase if you can overcome after few days. Think of how you can use your likes & strength and do it in your life.
7. Feel the real happiness about life. Sometimes its too bad but it is what make it beautiful
8. Change your current situation or life style. If possible travel to some other place.


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